Ugandan anti-gay strategy: The war has barely begun
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

Supporters of Uganda’s harsh new Anti-Homosexuality Act are preparing their next steps, according to a strategy document from anti-gay Pastor Stephen Langa.
Langa, executive director of Uganda’s Family Life Network, organized the seminar in 2009 at which American anti-gay activist Scott Lively energized Uganda’s anti-homosexuality movement shortly before the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was introduced.

Langa’s letter states that Uganda’s recent enactments of the Anti-Homosexuality Act and the Anti-Pornography Act, which bans mini-skirts, “only mark the beginning of a higher and fiercer level of warfare.”
Langa claims that “Homosexuality is just the manifestation of [what] we are dealing with here. This is a conflict between the kingdom of Satan and the Kingdom of God, whereby the Devil wants to accomplish his agenda of John 10:10 to ‘steal, kill and destroy’ our children, marriages, families and ultimately nation.”
The primary strategy that Langa proposes is prayer, although sometimes the prayer is a plea for violence, such as “That the Lord would strike the power base of these evil forces in our country and that the Lord would dislodge their claim and stranglehold on our nation.”
As for Ugandan officials who support LGBT rights, he prays that “the face of the Lord would be against them, deal with them and ultimately remove them.”
Langa dismisses many pro-gay-rights strategies as ineffective, including international pressure, aid cuts, and statements in the media. In particular, he is unimpressed with pro-LGBT-rights efforts in the media, merely asking for prayers that “the Lord would continue to cause the media campaign that the gay activists are using to backfire.”
Paraphrasing Jesus’ words in Matthew 4:4, he proposes that the country rely on God’s help if international aid is cut because of the Anti-Homosexuality Law:
“Ugandans and our leaders will come to understand that ‘Uganda shall not live by aid alone, but by every word that comes from the mother of the Lord’; … the Lord’s abundant supply will cause Uganda to start to rise to a higher level as a nation. …
“That as Ugandans the Lord will give us a way of dealing with our hurting and sick people who are going to lose their medicines because of the aid that is cut.”

The document presents a fundamentalist Christian anti-gay Ugandan perspective on the international pro-LGBT-rights campaign that seeks repeal of the new laws. It discusses pressure on the government, aid cuts, the constitutional challenge filed March 11, and an alleged campaign seeking the election of up to 80 gay and gay-friendly members of parliament — all described as part of a Satanic conspiracy aimed at destroying Uganda and its people:
- “The Ugandan gay activists and their foreign supporters/funders are … trying to cause the government not to enforce the Anti-Homosexuality Act, claiming that it infringes on the rights of minority groups. … (The truth of the matter however is that the AHA has not violated any international law nor the Ugandan Constitution, but that is what the gay activist are claiming)”
- “Behind this court case and other strategies are millions of dollars that are being poured into the country from the West to buy consciousness of evil that Ugandans have regarding this vice. This is part of the effort to coerce Ugandans to accept what they know is wrong and evil! “
- “Some Western nations have either cut off, suspended or are threatening to cut off foreign aid to Uganda as a way of forcing Uganda to succumb to their demands of reversing or killing the bill.”
Speaker Rebecca Kadaga addresses the Ugandan parliament, which passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in December 2013. (File photo) “The gay activists and machinery in Uganda have political ambitions and already have plans to sponsor as many as 80 MPs who are either gays or are sympathetic to the gay agenda in the 10th Parliament, in the 2016 elections, so that they can change laws and legalize homosexuality in Uganda.”
Langa repeats and amplifies the widely believed, though baseless, allegations that Ugandan children are being “recruited” into homosexuality. He claims that children in Ugandan nursery schools are being “recruited,” along with children of working parents who don’t realize their household help are “recruiting” their children into homosexuality:
“On the ground, the gay machinery has extensively and clandestinely recruited children into homosexuality across the nation. Their agents have gone in some cases as low as nursery schools. Some have even gone as far as giving money to house girls and domestic workers to initiate children into homosexuality when their parents are at work!”
Although he has just won passage of the AHA provision of life imprisonment for same-sex marriage, Langa claims that it’s clergy opposed to marriage equality who might end up in court:
“[Gay activists’] goal is that in 10 years’ time, two homosexuals should be able to walk to Namirembe or Rubaga or any other place of worship for that matter and ask to be married, and they should be married by the religious leader responsible or face legal action! “
Proposals for improved sexuality education in Uganda are presented as part of a gay conspiracy that’s backed by the United Nations, “which promotes homosexuality and all sorts of bizarre sexual practices, is based on the philosophy that a human being must be granted their sexual rights from birth to death and as such, children should be given all information on sexual matter and should be given the freedom to experiment and experience all sorts of sexual pleasures they want. And that contraceptives and condoms should be availed to children without any parental involvement or input!”
Langa says that God intervened to enable the two bills to become law. “The Lord has knit ALL Ugandans regardless of tribe, ethnicity, political, social and religious backgrounds who have stood united in rejecting the vices of homosexuality and pornography,” he says. In addition, he expresses thanks “That the Lord has given us victory in the scientific arena through our scientists.” [But see the article about the scientists’ report: “Ugandan advisers falsified report to boost anti-gay bill.”]
A celebration of the two laws is scheduled for Kololo Airstrip from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, March 24. After a procession from Makerere University to the airstrip, the program will begin at about 10 a.m. Invitees include: “the entire Government (Cabinet, MPs, and the Judiciary), All Religious Leaders, Cultural Leaders, business leaders, leaders at all levels, parents, students and all members of the public.”
In the reporting above, comments in brackets are from the editor of this blog, while wording in parentheses comes from Langa. In the strategy document itself, reprinted below, all punctuation including brackets and parenthesis are from Langa:
[March 12, 2014]
Dear Brethren,
Greetings in the Name of the Lord who “ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Christ” [2 Corinthians 2:14]
I wish to take this opportunity to give you updates on the Anti-Pornography Bill and the Anti-Homosexuality Bill which have now become the Anti-Pornography Act [APA] 2014 and the Anti-Homosexuality Act [AHA] 2014 respectively, after being signed into law by the President.
I first wish to thank you all for taking the time to pray and for mobilizing prayer and intercession which the Lord our God heard and answered so powerfully.
While these pieces of legislation only mark the beginning of a higher and fiercer level of warfare for the heart and soul of our nation, we need to take a little time at this point to look back and give thanks and all the glory to the Lord God of heaven for what He has done so far. Surely we can say, “Ebenezer”, “…thus far has the Lord helped us” [1 Samuel 7:12]
As you might be aware, the battle against pornography started way back in 2002 and the one against homosexuality began officially in 2009, although it had begun informally much earlier than that. Anyhow, considering the multidimensional nature of these battles and the high level of spiritual warfare that took place over the years against and considering that the forces against us had high level of resources, influence [political, international, diplomatic, financial, scientific, psychological, academic, media etc.], and further considering the high level of threats and blackmail plus the determination and the commitment that the promoters of these vices displayed, it is a miracle that these two bills were signed into law! It is therefore clear that this was indeed the Lord’s battle and He got Himself the victory on these battles that were fought on different fronts, and has indeed made Himself a Name. All we can say are the words of Psalm 124: “If the Lord had not been on our side…when their anger flared against us, they would have swallowed us alive…”
So for that matter we give all the glory to the Lord who alone made it possible for these bills to be enacted in to law against all odds and against all the turns and twists that these two bills went through over the years! Many people have been involved in one way or another in these battles and we thank God for everyone He has used in any way to accomplish His purposes for us as a nation on these matters so far.
In summary the victories for which we can thank God for so far are as follows:
- That the Lord has caused the Church [Body of Christ] to stand firm over this matter and has held the fort by immense prayer and intercession that has continuously been lifted up before the throne of our God.
- That the Lord has knit ALL Ugandans regardless of tribe, ethnicity, political, social and religious backgrounds who have stood united in rejecting the vices of homosexuality and pornography.
- That the Lord has given us victory in the Parliament
- That the Lord has given us victory in the Executive in that the President has signed both bills into law.
- That the Lord has given us victory in the scientific arena through our scientists.
- That the Lord has provided the right strategies, guidance, wisdom and protection for those more directly involved in fighting these vices on His behalf and on behalf of the nation.
There will be a celebration and thanksgiving service under the theme, “Celebrating the Passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill into Law”
The purpose of the service/rally is to: –
- Thank God and celebrate the passing of the AHB into law and for preserving the sovereignty of our Nation
- Thank the President for the bravery he displayed in signing the bill amidst so much pressure and threats from negative forces within and without
- Thank the Speaker and the Parliament for passing the bill
- Thank the Religious Leaders for remaining firm and steadfast without wavering on their stand against homosexuality in the land so that our children, marriages and families can be safeguarded.
- Thank the citizens of Uganda for the solidarity and unity they showed in unanimously rejecting homosexuality at all levels countrywide.
On the day of the service/rally, the Kololo Airstrip grounds will be opened to the public right from 8.00am. Then at 9.00am a peaceful procession will march from Makerere University, go through the City following a route that will be agreed upon with the Police and arrive at the Kololo Airstrip at approximately 10.00am. In the peaceful procession banners from all districts of Uganda will be carried and displayed with appropriate messages for the occasion. Upon arrival of the peaceful procession, the official program will then begin.
Invited will be the entire Government [Cabinet, MPs, and the Judiciary], All Religious Leaders, Cultural Leaders, business leaders, leaders at all levels, parents, students and all members of the public. The whole country is to be mobilized and there will be representatives from all over the country.
Please pray that the Lord will be at this celebration and thanksgiving service, that all the preparations will go well, that all those who will travel for this occasion will enjoy His journey mercies and that people will turn up in large numbers, that the unity of the nation will be cemented on that day since people of all religious, cultural, social and political backgrounds will be invited for this national event, and finally that the Lord’s purposes will be accomplished on that day.
For more information on this, please listen for more details as will be given in the media or as will be announced in your place of worship.
As we celebrate and give thanks to the Lord, please let us remember that the war is far from over. We still have a long way to go but for now let us celebrate the victories that He has given to us so far.
After the passing of the AHA and APA the following is the current situation: –
- The Ugandan gay activists and their foreign supporters/funders are applying political pressure on the government by meeting various Ugandan officials with a view of trying to cause the government not to enforce the Anti-Homosexuality Act [law] claiming that it infringes on the rights of minority groups.
- The gay activists with support from their foreign funders on March 14, 2014 took court action against the Government for passing the AHA. They want the bill to be “killed” by having the court declare it unconstitutional on the grounds that this law infringes on the human rights and privacy of homosexuals. This is so that they can be free to engage in homosexuality in Uganda. They are prepared to go right up to the East African court if necessary. They believe that they have a “water tight” case and are going to win the case. They feel that they have done their ground work well and are sure of victory. [The truth of the matter however is that the AHA has not violated any international law nor the Ugandan Constitution, but that is what the gay activist are claiming] Behind this court case and other strategies are millions of Dollars that are being poured into the country from the West to buy consciousness of evil that Ugandans have regarding this vice. This is part of the effort to coerce [force] Ugandans to accept what they know is wrong and evil!
- Some Western nations have either cut off, suspended or are threatening to cut off foreign aid to Uganda as a way of forcing Uganda to succumb to their demands of reversing or killing the bill.
- On the ground, the gay machinery has extensively and clandestinely recruited children into homosexuality across the nation. Their agents have gone in some cases as low as nursery schools. Some have even gone as far as giving money to house girls and domestic workers to initiate children into homosexuality when their parents are at work! Their goal is that in 10 years’ time, two homosexuals should be able to walk to Namirembe or Rubaga or any other place of worship for that matter and ask to be married, and they should be married by the religious leader responsible or face legal action!
- The gay activists and machinery in Uganda have political ambitions and already have plans to sponsor as many as 80 MPs who are either gays or are sympathetic to the gay agenda in the 10th Parliament, in the 2016 elections, so that they can change laws and legalize homosexuality in Uganda.
- The UN a couple of years ago approved that children all over the world should be taught the controversial “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” [CSE] not “Sex Education”. The CSE is a rights based radical sexuality education which promotes homosexuality and all sorts of bizarre sexual practices, is based on the philosophy that a human being must be granted their sexual rights from birth to death and as such, children should be given all information on sexual matter and should be given the freedom to experiment and experience all sorts of sexual pleasures they want. And that contraceptives and condoms should be availed to children without any parental involvement or input! [It is interesting to note that this controversial CSE was passed through the UN when a major Western nation that supports homosexuality bulldozed many developing nations at the UN in order to secure the majority vote that was needed to pass this matter at the UN Assembly. This Western nation achieved this by either threatening the poor nations with cutting of aid or by threatening or compromising the delegates of these nations at the UN and made them to vote in favor of this CSE under duress! This is not a surprise because this forceful spirit is the same homosexual forceful spirit that was there in Sodom and Gomorra. That spirit has never changed and is the spirit we are battling with here in Uganda at this time.]
The CSE has already reached Uganda and although the Ministry of Education and Sports [MOES] is trying to modify it and tone it down a little, the funders of this program in Uganda are putting pressure on Government so that this curriculum is introduced in schools as soon as possible. The thing is, since the people with the money for rolling this curriculum to Ugandan children already have this agenda, how much will the MOES resist and for how long? And besides, even if the MOES may not teach the homosexuality bit of it, the entire sexuality education of the CSE is based on a wrong and warped understanding of sexuality which will grossly damage the lives of our children.
As we prepare to pray we need to understand the nature and magnitude of what we are dealing with here. Homosexuality is just the manifestation of that we are dealing with here. This is a conflict between the kingdom of Satan and the Kingdom of God, whereby the Devil wants to accomplish his agenda of John 10:10 to “steal, kill and destroy” our children, marriages, families and ultimately nation.
Let us stand on this scripture as we pray, Matthew 16:18-19, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
- First and foremost let us thank God for bringing this information to us. This is because whatever God brings to light or exposes, it means that He has already given us victory over it.
- Repent on behalf of the nation that the Lord will have mercy on us and forgive our immorality, general moral decadence and all forms of perverted and unnatural sexual practices including homosexuality that we have engaged in as a nation.
- Pray that the Lord would have mercy on us as a nation, forgive us for these wrong and evil practices and that He will heal our land and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
- Please pray that the Lord would continue to subdue and bind the principalities and strongholds that are behind the unnatural practice and behavior of homosexuality and other related vices such as pornography, incest, adultery, fornication, prostitution etc. That the Lord would strike the power base of these evil forces in our country and that the Lord would dislodge their claim and stranglehold on our nation. That the covenants and agreements that have been made in whatever fora with forces of darkness anywhere within the boundaries of Uganda will be broken and replaced by the New Covenant that we made with the Lord as a nation on our Jubilee Year. That the Lord would honor our covenant with Him when we declared Him to be our God officially. That He will remember His covenant with us as a nation and run to our rescue and deliverance as we face such huge forces of darkness that have been unleashed on our motherland Uganda.
- Please pray that the Lord would give the activists in Uganda a chance to amend their ways and abandon the ways of evil, and that He would have mercy on those who heed the warning and change. But that those who choose to continue with their strategies and plans to promote homosexuality and other vices and remain defiant against the Lord, will not prosper. That as the Lord’s face was against the Egyptian army as they pursued the Children of Israel through the Red Sea, in the same way the Lord’s face will be against those who defiantly choose to and continue promoting homosexuality and other vices which the Lord God has personally prohibited.
- That the Lord would give our President and other leaders the courage to stand up against the evil of homosexuality regardless of the pressure, blackmail and threats that are imposed on them; that the aid that is being cut off by the donor community will not affect us adversely but that:
- Ugandans and our leaders will come to understand that “Uganda shall not live by aid alone, but by every word that comes from the mother of the Lord”;
- That we and our leaders will receive our deliverance and supply from the Lord and that instead of becoming needy and being brought down to our knees, the Lord’s abundant supply will cause Uganda to start to rise to a higher level as a nation. So that what was meant to destroy us and cause us to beg, will instead swing us to greater stability and prosperity as a nation;
- That as Ugandans the Lord will give us a way of dealing with our hurting and sick people who are going to lose their medicines because of the aid that is cut;
- That as the Lord has caused this matter to bring the nation to a point of unity that we have never had in our history; He would continue from here to cause the nation to be genuinely united, that there will be in due course genuine reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration as a nation;
- That the Lord would positively alter the moral, social, family, economic and political landscape of the nation so that we can live together as brothers and sisters in the SHALOM that only comes when a nation has the Lord God of the Bible as her God [Psalm 33:12].
- That the Lord would from now begin to cause Uganda to rise to her God-given destiny as a “mission nation” so that what Satan wanted to prevent through all these attacks will instead propel the nation further into God’s purposes.
- That the Lord would give any of our leaders who is advancing the gay agenda at any level, a chance to mend their ways and turn from such a wicked thing, BUT that if they insist on continuing to advance this destructive vice, the face of the Lord would be against them, deal with them and ultimately remove them.
- Please pray that the Lord would turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers so that the Lord would not curse the land [Malachi 4:6]. This is so that the families of the nation will be restored so that God’s multigenerational purposes will be accomplished so that He would bring about the prosperity and stability that He has promised. [Genesis 18:18-19].
- Please pray that the plan to teach our children Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum will not prosper, that instead the right curriculum which reflects the wonderful and beautiful gift of sexuality that God in His wisdom and love gave to us, will be the one to be taught to our children.
- That many of our children who have been recruited and lured into homosexuality and lesbianism will be restored that they will be delivered from these vices.
- That the Lord would provide whatever is needed to help such children to be freed from this stronghold and habit.
- That the Lord would restore other homosexuals and lesbians who are struggling with this vice, that they would hear the voice of the Lord calling them back to Himself and that the Lord would touch the hearts of Christians to extend a long hand and give them the good news that change is possible and that they can be helped to meet Jesus the friend of people who are “tired and weary” of the lifestyle of death that they might be on.
- Please pray that the Lord would continue to cause the media campaign that the gay activists are using to backfire. That although they want use the media to sway the public opinion and attitudes in their favor, that the Lord would instead expose them and their lies and that their media campaigns will instead solidify the nation in unity against this vice, and that at the appropriate time the Lord would remove from media houses those who do not change their ways are bent on promoting the gay agenda in our nation.
- Also pray that the Lord’s face will be against sections of the international media which is being used as a mouth piece ad propaganda tool to advance the global gay agenda.
- That the Lord will continue to guide, provide, give wisdom, favor and safety to those He wants to use in this noble effort at all levels.
- That the Lord will receive all the glory and that He will make a NAME for Himself.
May the Lord bless, guide and be with you.
Stephen Langa
Colin, can we make some story of this, credited to you, for the Mail & Guardian? As in a 600-word version, say?
From: 76 CRIMES > Reply-To: 76 CRIMES > Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 19:11:33 +0000 To: > Subject: [New post] Ugandan anti-gay strategy: The war has barely begun
Colin Stewart posted: ” Supporters of Uganda’s harsh new Anti-Homosexuality Act are preparing their next steps, according to a strategy document from anti-gay Pastor Stephen Langa. Langa, executive director of Uganda’s Family Life Network, organized the seminar in 2009 a”
Dear Shaun,
Please see my email.
— Colin
Please contact me via email… I am interested in working with your organization, but must speak privately. Thank you.
these people have been entranced by the way of satin rather then be enlightened by the way of christ….they will answer and hell will be crowded…god is nothing but love kindness and compassion, we are ALL Gods children not just a bunch of arrogant hate mongers who think they are. These people are the enemy of humanity and only preach hate in Gods name.
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