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Lesbian mom flees Cameroon; kids need your help

Lesbian mom flees Cameroon; kids need your help

A Cameroonian lesbian is seeking help for her children, who remain in their homeland until they can rejoin her in the United States.  After learning that she was beaten, raped, jailed, fired from her job, and shunned in Cameroon, the U.S. has granted her asylum, but has not yet approved a request for the children to join her.

This photo is an illustration on a GoFundMe appeal to support the children of a Cameroonian lesbian to whom the United States has granted asylum from her anti-LGBT homeland. The children remain in Cameroon until they can rejoin their mother in the U.S.
This photo is an illustration on a GoFundMe appeal to support the children of a Cameroonian lesbian to whom the United States has granted asylum from her anti-LGBT homeland. The children remain in Cameroon until they can rejoin their mother in the U.S.

She hopes to avoid the need to abandon the safety of the U.S. and return to Cameroon to take care of the children.

Supporters in the U.S. have launched this online fund drive for her:

We are raising funds to help an asylee mother (whom we will call Marie for her privacy), and her children, who have been prevented from joining her in the U.S. The funds we collect will be used for the children’s medical care and their school fees.

Marie suffered indescribable horrors in her home country of Cameroon because she is a lesbian. When her sexual orientation was discovered, she was beaten, raped, jailed, fired from her job, and shunned from her community. Marie had to make the gut-wrenching decision to flee her county for fear of being murdered, leaving her two sons in the care of a relative.

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Marie was fortunate to gain asylum in the U.S. and currently resides in the Bay Area. However, her children have not been authorized to join her in the U.S. Marie is working very hard — often up to 18 hours per day — to pay for her children’s needs and cover her own living expenses. One of her sons is malnourished and anemic and has been in the hospital for weeks. She can no longer afford the children’s school fees, so they have had to stop going to school.

We believe there is still hope that Marie’s children will be allowed to join her in the U.S. But for now, she and the children desperately need our help. Please give any (even very small) amount you can. Thank you!

The appeal is for $5,000. So far (as this article was written), $1,040 had been raised.

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