LGBTI in Cameroon: Celebrations, mourning in 2 cities
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
By Colin Stewart and Laurent Balla
Human rights activists in Douala and Yaoundé, Cameroon, gathered last month to seek justice for LGBT people and to mourn friends who have died because of Cameroonian society’s anti-gay attitudes.
In Yaoundé, the political capital of Cameroon, the Cameroonian Foundation for AIDS (Camfaids) organized discussions about coping with the anti-gay environment and avoiding HIV infection, as well as a gay-straight football (soccer) game.
During the Yaoundé gatherings, Camfaids reported:
- 60 people were informed about LGBTI rights and sexually transmitted infections.
- 20 people received counseling and support.
- 40 people watched a film about homophobia.
- 27 people — both gay and straight — participated in a football match.
- 85 people had a meal together.
- 35 people took part in a discussion about homophobia and anti-gay violence in Cameroonian society.
As part of that discussion about homophobia in Cameroon, LGBTI people spoke about:
- Proper conduct of LGBTI people in society
- Respect for oneself
- The need for tolerance, harmony and acceptance among LGBTI people.
- Empowering LGBTI people by highlighting their talents.
- How to gain strength as a community by using individuals’ diverse talents.

- Alim Mongoche, who died in 2006 a few days after his release from Kondengui Central Prison, where he was raped and contracted AIDS after being imprisoned there with 10 colleagues;
- Journalist/activist Eric Ohena Lembembe, who was murdered at home in Yaoundé; and
- Roger Mbede, who was sentenced to three years in prison for sending an amorous text message to a man, fell ill in prison, was released for medical treatment, and died without a doctor’s care in the custody of his homophobic family.

On Saturday, May 17, lawyer Alice Nkom presented a conference about homophobia and freedoms, followed by a cocktail party and dance music. The conference was attended by activists from many local organizations.
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