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If you support LGBTQ rights, please support our LGBTQ rights journalism

If you support LGBTQ rights, please support our LGBTQ rights journalism

Your tax-exempt donations allow us to bring you global LGBTQ rights news — and much more

Appeal for donations to support accurate LGBTQ rights advocacy journalism.

This site's activist journalists have laid the groundwork for Project Not Alone, which frees imprisoned victims of African homophobia. This illustration shows two gay men waiting for donations that will pay their fines and set them free.
This site’s activist journalists have laid the groundwork for Project Not Alone, which frees imprisoned victims of African homophobia. This illustration shows two gay men waiting for donations that will pay their fines and set them free. (Illustration by Vincent Kyabayinze, East Africa Visual Artists / EAVA Artists)

Dear reader,

If you are thinking of making any year-end charitable donations, please consider supporting the work of Erasing 76 Crimes.

This news site is the product of LGBTQ rights activists who work as journalists in order to provide you with the facts about the human toll of 64+ countries’ anti-gay laws and the struggle to repeal them.

LGBTQ rights supporter Duma Boko is in line to become Botswana's next president. (Johannes Simon photo courtesy of Getty /
LGBTQ rights supporter Duma Boko is in line to become Botswana’s next president, as Erasing 76 Crimes reported Nov. 1. (Johannes Simon photo courtesy of Getty /

If you decide to support our work, your U.S. tax-exempt donation will go through the St. Paul’s Foundation for International Reconciliation, our U.S charity (California 80-0647355) working to advance LGBTQ equality and acceptance in Africa and the Caribbean through media advocacy.

In addition to this news site, we also produce a version in French ( and a site focused exclusively on Africa (

The work of our activist journalists lays the groundwork for Project Not Alone, which has fed and freed 46 innocent imprisoned victims of African homophobia.

Their work has also made possible the free counseling app Qtalk, which serves about 2,500 LGBTQ Nigerians on Android phones and iPhones.

See Also

Without you, none of this can happen.

We accept donations

  • By mail: Send checks payable to St. Paul’s Foundation at 21 Marseille, Laguna Niguel CA 92677 USA

Appeal for donations to support accurate LGBTQ rights advocacy journalism.

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