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Despite looming threat, a celebration of Ghana’s LGBTQI+ citizens

Despite looming threat, a celebration of Ghana’s LGBTQI+ citizens

Affirmation of LGBTQI+ people comes in the shadow of repressive anti-LGBTQI+ bill.

Rightify Ghana celebrates the nation's LGBTQI+ citizens. (Illustration courtesy of RIghtify Ghana
Rightify Ghana celebrates the nation’s LGBTQI+ citizens. (Illustration courtesy of Rightify Ghana

Despite the threat of Ghana’s harsh anti-LGBTQ+ bill, which has remained in limbo since being passed by Parliament in February, the LGBTQ+ advocacy group Rightify Ghana is celebrating the lives of Ghana’s sexual minorities.

While the bill awaits action by both the Supreme Court and President Nana Akufo-Addo, on Nov. 15 Rightify Ghana published a jubilant illustration “Celebrating LGBTI+ Ghanaians” and added these joyful affirmations:

You are enough!

You are brave!

You are beautiful!

You are powerful!

See Also
Protesters brandished signs urging World Bank President Ajay Banga to “not fund LGBTQ+ hate in Uganda.” (Rumbi Chakamba photo courtesy of Devex)

You are worthy of love!

You deserve to live, grow and thrive!

You are valid. Take pride in your identity/identities 🏳️‍🌈🏳‍⚧. Choose to love yourself unconditionally and practice self-compassion.

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