Another US homophobe appears in Uganda to support anti-LGBTQ agenda
Joto La Jiwe is a Ugandan correspondent for the African…
American Ayo Kimathi was invited to speak at Pan-African Pyramid event

American homophobe and extremist Ayo Kimathi is in Uganda to promote hate against the LGBTQI+ community in support of the Anti- Homosexuality Act (AHA) 2023.
Kimathi touched down at Entebbe International Airport on March 14 and went to Fair Way Hotel where he was appearing on The Pan-African Pyramid, a discussion forum and television show about African nationalism, the next day.
Prior to his arrival, Kimathi shared a video on social media in which he declared Uganda as a battlefield against homosexuality.
“What up, Kampala? You know it. It’s Ayo Kimathi, your brother the Irritated Genie of Soufeese. I will be live in the house real soon. I am gonna be a guest speaker at the Pan-African Pyramid meeting, the people’s African parliament at Fairway Hotel in Kampala with my young brother speaker Andrew Irumba. The topic, 21st century, African renaissance and awakening Vs the LGBTQ assault in Africa. So get real hot,” he says in the video. “The decolonization of Africa and its people will require you and me to first identify our common enemy and deal with him squarely without fear or favour. Africa, don’t agonize, organize. I will see you on a battlefield.”
The event he was talking about was attended by a handful of Ugandan homophobes led by Pastor Martin Ssempa. Pan-Afircan Pyramid has posted a video of the speech to its YouTube channel.
Kimathi is the latest of a long list of foreign anti LGBTQI+ activists who have appeared in Uganda recently.
Many of those visits coincided with the passing and signing of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill (AHA) 2023, for which they have directly or indirectly expressed their support. As discussed in a recent article, the U.S.-based Southern Poverty Law Center, which investigates U.S. hate groups revealed that the real backers and framers of AHA were largely U.S.-based evangelical and homophobic groups.
Kimathi belongs to the Straight Black Pride Movement (SBPM) a hate group that practices racial politics and hate against the white people and LGBTQI+ people. He was fired from a government position in 2013 and banned from Bermuda in 2015 for his adamant anti-gay stance. His speech in Uganda comes at a time when the constitutional court is about to rule on a petition challenging the AHA.
The controversial activist’s website previously endorsed the killing of Whites and “Black traitors.” It had an “enemies list” that included Rev. Al Sharpton, Lil Wayne, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and Barack Obama.
During his speech, Kimathi spoke like someone who had been coached by someone close to the regime. He attacked the opposition leader Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, accusing him of supporting LGBTQ Rights.
“Bobi Wine, just like Julius Malema, sold his soul to gain financial support,” he said, parroting a line often used by Ugandan regime apologists to undermine opposition to bad governance in Uganda.
Kimathi also took aim at the late Nelson Mandela, whom he accused of “selling his people in exchange for power and his release from prison.”
“Mandela handed over the Country to LGBTQ way back. No wonder the headquarters of gays for Africa are in South Africa,” he said.
Andrew Irumba Katusabe, the chairman of the Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) who invited Kimathi to appear at the forum, has made equally homophobic remarks insinuating that gay are not human.
“The so-called minority group should not claim any Human Rights while doing Human Wrongs, because the Rights are meant for Human beings, man and woman only,” he said at the event.
PAP has awarded medals to its allies in Africa since 2016, and its latest honoree is Anita Annet Among, Speaker of the Ugandan parliament and the chief architect of the AHA.

Uganda is like a horror movie in real life. By his own writings, Kimathi’s life mission is make hate and violence a reality. His words…it’s us ”Vs the LGBTQ assault in Africa. So get real hot… you and me to first identify our common enemy and deal with him…I will see you on a battlefield.” Kimathi’s colleague Katusabe said gay people “should not claim any human rights while doing human wrongs, because the rights are meant for human beings…
These influential hate-mongers are headlining an event to promote and celebrate violence and dehumanization. Uganda is becoming the most dangerous place on earth. My heart goes out to the Ugandan queer people who have no choice but to live in such a horrific environment.
In Uganda, it seems SBPM conflates racism with supposed male homosexual “values”.