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DR. Congo: Violent homophobic ambush in Bukavu

DR. Congo: Violent homophobic ambush in Bukavu

More than a dozen attackers forced their way into LGBTQ activist’s home.

The program officer of Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko was injured when a homophobic mob attacked him at home on March 6. (Photo courtesy of Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko)
The program officer of Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko was injured during a homophobic ambush when a mob attacked him at home on March 6. (Photo courtesy of Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko)

The east of the Democratic Republic of Congo on March 6 again experienced anti-LGBTQ violence when a mob launched a homophobic ambush in the home of the program officer of Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko, the LGBT+ advocacy organization in Bukavu, South Kivu.

Jérémie Safari, the organization’s executive director, reported:

At 1 am in the Buholo 6 neighbourhood, in the commune of Kadutu in Bukavu, people approached the home of our program officer, Chancy (pseudonym), to ask for help, in what appears to be a homophobic ambush.

The March 6 attack occurred in Kadutu,  a commune of Bukavu on the shores of Lake Kivu (Map courtesy of Commune de Kadutu)

Unfortunately, our comrade opened his door a crack and then about 15 people forced their way in, before rushing at him in an outburst of violence, with punches, kicks, slaps…

There is no doubt that the motive was homophobic and not criminal, as nothing was stolen from our colleague’s home. The assailants cited the existence and activities of Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko to explain their actions.

My name has also been mentioned and I appear to be their next target, which means I need to be extra-vigilant. These threats are nothing new, but the modus operandi, while it may have been used in the past, is a first in the middle of the night.

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Word cloud showing the names of the 46 prisoners for whom Project Not Alone has won early release.

I deplore the fact that one year follows another in South Kivu, while donors, reluctant to come to the war-torn east of the country, prefer to stay in Kinshasa.

If you would like to get in touch with Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko to support them, please write to them here.


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