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Cameroon: U.S. ambassador tours LGBTI safe house

Cameroon: U.S. ambassador tours LGBTI safe house

Shelter’s residents describe their daily lives and the challenges they face.

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U.S. Ambassador Christopher J. Lamora heard from CAMFAIDS staff and safe-house residents during his visit. (Photo courtesy of CAMFAIDS/Facebook)
U.S. Ambassador Christopher J. Lamora heard from CAMFAIDS staff and safe-house residents during his visit. (Photo courtesy of CAMFAIDS/Facebook)

The LGBTI advocacy group CAMFAIDS (Cameroonian Foundation for AIDS) welcomed U.S. Ambassador Christopher J. Lamora for a tour of its safe house on May 23.

In a post on its Facebook page, CAMFAIDS described the visit:

The United States ambassador 🇺🇸 to Cameroon 🇨🇲 visits the CAMFAIDS shelter in Yaoundé

The visit of the U.S. Ambassador to Cameroon to the CAMFAIDS House of Refuge was a landmark event. The purpose of the visit was to get a first-hand impression of CAMFAIDS’ contribution to the social assistance of victims of gender-based violence [GBV].

Accompanied by one of his key partners, the Care And Health Program (CHP), a number of member organizations of the Platform Unity (PFU) and some of the shelter’s old and new beneficiaries, the US ambassador was warmly welcomed by CAMFAIDS members and positively surprised by the tremendous work it is doing, despite the difficulties.

During the visit, the beneficiaries of the shelter were able to talk to the ambassador about their daily lives and the challenges they face. They also expressed their gratitude for the help they have received and continue to receive from CAMFAIDS, and their hopes for the future.

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CAMFAIDS also presented its various victim support programs.

All in all, the ambassador’s visit to the CAMFAIDS Shelter was an important event that underlined the importance of continued support from technical and financial partners to help CAMFAIDS carry out its missions to assist victims of GBV.

The meeting ended with a family photo. #TogetherWeCanChangeItđź’Ş

During his visit to the CAMFAIDS shelter in Yaoundé, U.S. Ambassador Christopher J. Lamora posed with CAMFAIDS staff and safe-house residents. (Photo courtesy of CAMFAIDS/Facebook)
During his visit to the CAMFAIDS shelter in Yaoundé, U.S. Ambassador Christopher J. Lamora posed with CAMFAIDS staff and safe-house residents. (Photo courtesy of CAMFAIDS/Facebook)


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