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Uganda parliament passes harsh anti-homosexuality bill

Uganda parliament passes harsh anti-homosexuality bill

Nearly unanimous vote sends anti-gay bill to President Yoweri Museveni.

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In 2013, Uganda's parliament passed an anti-homosexuality bill without a quorum, which led to it being overturned. Yesterday's vote for a similar bill occurred with many more than a quorum present. (Photo courtesy of UBC)
In 2013, Uganda’s parliament passed an anti-homosexuality bill without a quorum, which led to it being overturned. As this photo shows, yesterday’s vote for a similar bill occurred with many more than a quorum present. (Photo courtesy of UBC)

By a newly unanimous vote, the Ugandan parliament has passed a repressive new Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

The specifics of the legislation, as passed yesterday, were not immediately clear.  Reputable publications gave varied accounts of the provisions of the bill, which had been amended on the floor of parliament. Erasing 76 Crimes will provide its readers with a detailed report when the facts become clear.

Next the bill will go to President Yoweri Museveni for his approval.

The original version of the bill, introduced on March 1, called for  a 10-year prison sentence for:

  • Same-sex intercourse;
  • Anyone who identifies as LGBT;
  • Anyone who “touches another person with the intention of committing the act of homosexuality”; and
  • Anyone who marries a person of the same sex.

Anyone convicted of conducting a same-sex wedding would be sentenced to two years in prison.

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Conviction for “promoting homosexuality” in person, online, by telephone or in films, or by renting an office to an organization that “promotes homosexuality”, would lead to a prison sentence and a fine of 100 million Ugandan shillings (about U.S. $26,800).

Some of those provisions apparently were revised in committee and on the floor.


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