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Qtalk: Easing the pain of rejection by an anti-gay company

Qtalk: Easing the pain of rejection by an anti-gay company

LGBTQ+ Nigerians benefit from the support provided by volunteer counselors via the Qtalk app, which is supported by this site and by the St. Paul’s Foundation for International Reconciliation.

The Qtalk user’s name has been changed in the following writeup, which is one of many contributed by the counselors who provide advice to LGBTQ+ Nigerians via the free Qtalk app:

Gay man not offered employment because of his sexual orientation

Victor, a 26-year old Nigerian gay man, said he lost an opportunity to get a job because of his sexual orientation. In his support request, he wrote:

I am just tired of everything. A company I applied to work with after an interview, went online to check my profile and saw some of the pro-gay contents I shared. They concluded I was gay and that their director is a pastor and won’t let me work with them. So therefore they won’t be offering me the job opportunity. This they sent to me in a text message.

In a response to Victor’s support request, the counselor stated that it was completely normal for him to feel disappointed and frustrated as a result of his experience. The counselor suggested a few things, such as exercise, expectation management, distraction with hobbies and other activities, etc.

So far, Victor seems to be feeling better but is receiving ongoing counseling. And still has no chance of getting that job.

See Also
U.S. President Donald Trump reversed a decade and a half of support for advancing the safety, equality, and inclusion of LGBTIQ people.

This article is one of five that comprise Part 12 of the Qtalk series.

To download the Qtalk mobile app, click HERE.

To support the Qtalk project financially, click HERE.

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