Uganda: Bail set for 14 more people arrested in Nov. 10 raid
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
Twenty-three of 67 people imprisoned in Uganda in the wake of a Nov. 10 raid have now been released, the gay-friendly legal-aid organization HRAPF reported.
The organization, the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF), said that 14 of the detainees yesterday were granted cash bail of 500,000 Uganda shillings (about U.S. $135).
“The legal team is sorting this out so that they can go home later today,” HRAPF said.
An additional 10 persons were further remanded till Nov. 21.
The 23 who have been granted bail (14 yesterday and nine last week) leave 44 still in prison awaiting action on charges of being a public nuisance, which is punishable by up to one year in prison.
“So, 44 to go. Well done, Team HRAPF. Let’s keep going until all the detained are out,” HRAPF stated.
Among the 125 original arrestees in the Nov. 10 raid on the Ram bar in Kampala, 58 people quickly posted bail or paid bribes in order to be released promptly. The other 67 were imprisoned awaiting court action.
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