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India: Despite 2018 gay-rights win, LGBT couples struggle

India: Despite 2018 gay-rights win, LGBT couples struggle

One year after gay sex was legalized in India, LGBT couples are still struggling for acceptance.

Scene from video about gay life in India a year after the demise of the country’s anti-gay law. (Photo courtesy of Agence Presse-France) Click the image to watch the video.

“We genuinely thought this would not happen in our lifetimes.”

“It is the beginning of another kind of battle.”

— Agence France-Presse video on a same-sex couple in India, where gay sex was decriminalized last year but marriage equality remains elusive.

One year after landmark ruling for LGBT+ rights in India, challenges persist

India’s LGBT+ community on Friday celebrated the first anniversary of a historic judgment that  decriminalised gay sex by overturning the colonial-era Section 377 of the India Penal Code. But campaigners warned that major hurdles lay ahead with same-sex marriage still “many years” away. (Reuters)

India: Kerala’s first openly married gay couple is now fighting for right to adopt

The couple feels that decriminalisation of homosexuality is a milestone in India but is not enough (News18)<

These four LGBTQ Indians are featured in Vice’s article about India a year after Section 377. (Photo courtesy of Vice)

Queer Indians tell us how much has changed since gay sex was decriminalised a year ago (Vice)

See Also
U.S. President Donald Trump reversed a decade and a half of support for advancing the safety, equality, and inclusion of LGBTIQ people.

“[There is] more respect for us, and a willingness to try to understand us.”

[A year ago] it was as if the country was walking on rainbows as crossdressers, drag queens and queer people could finally embrace their inner selves without being afraid of getting arrested for swiping right on dating apps. …

Fast forward to one year later and we’ve still got a long way to go before we find the pot of acceptance at the end of the rainbow. We may have decriminalised gay sex, but we’re yet to legalise love, and the LGBTQ community continues to fight for the right to marriage, adoption, inheritance of property and total social inclusion.

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View Comment (1)
  • It is really a great inhumane shame, that people still refuse to accept the reality of the existence of gay people within their race.They act as if though they are not part of the population or even part of their family members. Such hate is truly undeserving and in-compassionate behavior toward any human being, as long as they are not of the aggression criminal element. Love is Love is Love. When hate is practiced it dis-conjoins the unity of a people.

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