Petition seeks to bar anti-LGBT pastor from Botswana too
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

Anglo-Nigerian pastor Jide Macauley is urging people to sign a petition by the Botswanan activist group Legabibo that urges the Botswanan government to prevent anti-LGBT preacher Steven Anderson from traveling there. His planned visit to South Africa has already been blocked because of his hate-filled sermons. Macauley wrote:
I signed this petition to prevent any more hate against LGBTIQ people in Botswana. Pastor Steven Anderson does not represents the Christian values of love and compassion. Please sign this petition and share with your network.
Hatred of God’s children on the ground of sexual orientation and gender identity is unacceptable. The Christian gospel requires a high degree of love and compassion. Followers of Jesus are commanded to love each other and more so commanded to love our enemies.

LGBTIQ people are not enemies of the world, nor rejecters of Christianity. We are simply trying to survive this world and navigate the hatred spewed by religious oppression and spiritual violence.
I am pleased to hear that Pastor Steven Anderson was barred from entering South Africa and we are now working to ensure he is banned from entering Botswana and anywhere else, as his hateful messages does not align with common sense nor with progressive human rights legislation. I am encouraging people to sign a petition to ban him from Botswana. He should stay at home with his brand of hate.
— Reverend Jide Macaulay, Founder and CEO, House Of Rainbow