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Nigeria: Six suspects in court on homosexuality charges

Nigeria: Six suspects in court on homosexuality charges

Six men who were arrested by police on May 9 in Benin City, Nigeria, have been taken before a magistrate’s court in Edo State to face charges of engaging in homosexual activities.

The court action was promised soon after the arrests by Musa Daura,  assistant inspector general of police at Zone 5 Police Headquarters in Benin.

Map of Nigeria shows the location of Benin City.

According to reports gathered by NoStrings, the suspects have been granted bail by the magistrate.

A defense lawyer for the victims told NoStrings that police have a video implicating the young men, though details of this video have not yet been revealed to the public.

Nigerian law prohibits all forms of same-sex activities.  If found guilty, the men could face up to 14 years’ imprisonment.

See Also
A report from Ugandan human rights groups Convening for Equality and its Strategic Response Team highlight a “horrific breadth and depth of abuses” that have occurred as a result of the nation’s 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act. To read the report, click the image. (Image courtesy of Kuchu Times)

We at NoStrings are deeply worried and concerned why there is even a law against love and why there should even be a law dictating how consenting adults should lovingly express how they feel about each other  in private.

It is clear that action is needed on the so-called “Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act,” which has negative consequences that extend far beyond its title.

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