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Homophobia’s role in boosting Aids: a media campaign

Homophobia’s role in boosting Aids: a media campaign

Media Campaign HIV

A new Nigeria-based media project will explore the ways that homophobia promotes the spread of HIV/AIDS amongst LGBT people.

The project is being organized by NoStrings NG, a media platform in Nigeria that seeks to promote and project the voices of LGBTIQ persons through media advocacy and sensitization.

On the NoStrings podcast, we will be talking with health professionals representing different LGBT-led and LGBT-friendly organizations in Nigeria, and also with LGBT individuals living with the virus.

We strongly believe that a leading factor that has led to the widespread of the disease amongst LGBT people is the constant promotion of homophobic behaviors directed toward them. Discrimination is also a key factor in this very sad outcome.

Most LGBT people live in fear and isolation, dealing with internalized homophobia, depression, guilt and shame. They often have little time left to focus on their health, and care less about getting tested and staying healthy.

They fear exposure, as they may not freely be able to discuss issues concerning their health, for fear of discrimination.

With this campaign, we will take advantage of different social media platforms and promote awareness messages targeting a broad audience.

Health experts skilled in HIV/AIDS programmes will tell us about their  experiences working with infected persons and how the virus spreads. LGBT people living with the virus will share their personal stories. We will also deal with people’s misconceptions and myths about HIV/AIDS and the LGBT community.

The goal is to provide an in-depth understanding of how homophobia is contributing to the widespread of the disease amongst LGBT people, an issue that should be of concern to everyone.

We are hoping to use Facebook as a starting point to promote the contents that we will be producing for the campaign. We will create banners, record podcast episodes, and produce articles for this project. And we will be paying Facebook to distribute these materials on its platform to a broad audience.

We are seeking an official sponsor, and we will be particularly excited if ordinary individuals can reach us to share how they can support the project.

See Also
A split image of 2 faces against a grungy and bloody background with Nigeria’s national colors, green and white. The left side is cracked revealing red color underneath and the right side is covered with a mask.

NoStringNG currently reaches more than 4,000 persons every week, and we are hoping to reach more with this campaign, if the needed support is acquired.

To support this media campaign, please click HERE.

For more information, connect with us:


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