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2 victories over Ghana’s violent homophobe

2 victories over Ghana’s violent homophobe

Doya Dundu. (Photo courtesy of the Rev. Jide Macauley via Facebook)
Doya Dundu. (Photo courtesy of the Rev. Jide Macauley via Facebook)

Pastor Jide Macauley continued his campaign today against an anti-LGBTI criminal in Ghana reportedly using social media to entrap and assault LGBTI people.

The campaign by Macauley and his allies, reported on Aug. 15, resulted in the cancellation of Doya Dundu’s Facebook page, which he allegedly had used to contact his victims, after which he would meet them, “strip them naked, assault them with sticks and leather, beat and humiliate them publicly and then post the video online.”

The group also reported Dundu to police, who launched an investigation, Macauley said.

A portion of Sulley Fuseini's Facebook page before it was taken down.
A portion of Sulley Fuseini’s Facebook page before it was taken down.

Today Macauley reported that Dundu had a second Facebook page under the name Sulley Fuseini, which has also been reported to Facebook and suspended.

That page had linked to an article on the Happy Ghana website about an alleged attack on a cross-dressing sex worker. The accuracy of that article has not been verified, but the same article and similar ones have been published on several websites distributing West African news, including The Gateway Pundit,, Peace FM Online, My Ghana Online and Ghana’s Starr News / Starr FM Online, which is apparently where it first appeared:

A vigilante group in Nima – a predominant Muslim community in Ghana’s capital, Accra – has flogged a man suspected to be gay.

The suspect received about 100 lashes from the vigilante group popularly known as Safety Empire. According to the group, its aim is to wage a crusade against homosexuality.

The man was whipped mercilessly when he allegedly tried to lure another resident into the controversial act.

He was found guilty based on Sharia laws, the group said in a Facebook post.

The man, who was helpless and weak in a video released by the group on social media, was undressed and whipped with belts, sticks and sharp metals. He had bruises all over his body.

The vigilante group has served notice it will sustain the attack on suspected gays to stop homosexuality in the community and Ghana as a whole.
The vigilante group has served notice it will sustain the attack on suspected gays to stop homosexuality in the community and Ghana as a whole.

Ghana's location in Africa
Ghana’s location in Africa

One or more videos related to the alleged incident are also online.

The Ghana Celebrities website reported the story with these comments:

This kind of barbarism continues unchecked in this country, where people delight in being judge, jury and executioner in cases that they think offends their sensibilities; but we’re either running a democracy or we’re not.

It’s about time those communities who delight in this kind of issues be called out for the backwards, brutish animals they are. In civilised society, we deal differently with those who are not aligned with our thinking.

In its article on the incident, Enter Ghana stated, “One question I always ask when it comes to barbaric acts like this is ‘Can lashes really change a person’s sexuality?’ ”

Starr News followed up by reporting a brief interview with the leader of Safety Empire, identifying him as RasDoya (Lord Doya) rather than as Doya Dundu:

[The] leader for the group Sule, popularly known as RasDoya, has justified their actions.

In an interview with Starr News, he said the group is relentless in its efforts to chase out homosexuals in the community.

According to him, their intention is not to flout the laws of Ghana but to ensure that homosexuality is not tolerated in their community.

A similar report on Daily Guide / Ghana describes a video, but does not refer to the victim as a sex worker and makes no reference to Safety Empire:

See Also
Online image for petition seeking help for Charles Mwangi. (Click the image to see the appeal and the petition.)

A video showing Nima youth assaulting a suspected homosexual at the sprawling Accra suburb, has gone [viral] with some recipients tracing their sources to the US from where it came through the WhatsApp social media platform back to Ghana.

There is no doubt that the video found its way to the US through the same means, putting the subject of homosexual activities now on the ascendancy in Nima and some parts of Accra and the corresponding response of anti-gayism by sections on the spot.

The video shows a group of irate youth, some wielding planks and pieces of stick beating the suspect amidst a cacophonic session of interrogations in Hausa. …

The Rev. Jide Macauley, founder of the House of Rainbow Fellowship in Nigeria. (Colin Stewart photo)
The Rev. Jide Macauley. (Colin Stewart photo)

Macauley added:

We must be as determined to ensure that the human rights and dignity of LGBT persons are protected. Once against I am calling on our friends in solidarity to help fight this monster. LGBT rights are human rights. …

[In a related comment:] If you notice any other page on any social media, please let us know and we would continue to block the haters.

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