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Two gay men executed by the Islamic State in Syria

Two gay men executed by the Islamic State in Syria

Map of the Islamic State territory in Irak and Syria (Map courtesy Le Figaro)
Map of the Islamic State territory in Irak and Syria (Map courtesy Le Figaro)

The portal, based in Morocco, reported today that the jihadist organization Islamic State, on Tuesday, November 25th, conducted the stoning of two young gays in Syria. reports that:

“The Syrian Human Rights Observer, an organization close to the opposition Syrian regime based in London, reported the execution on Tuesday of two suspected homosexuals by the Islamic State organization.

One of the men, aged about twenty years, would have been stoned in Mayadin after being accused by the jihadists of committing “indecent acts with other men.” Videos were found on his mobile phone.

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Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani (Photo courtesy of The Hill)

The other execution took place not far away, in the city of Deir Ezzor. The victim was an 18-year-old gay opponent of the jihadists.

Last September, the rebels who control a large part of the Syrian and Iraqi territories, at the second Iraqi city of Mosul, had announced their intention to attack gays and had compared gays to “animals,” placed in the same category as drug dealers and pedophiles. Since the offensive in Iraq this past summer, the Islamic State has been accused by the UN of mass atrocities and crimes against humanity.”

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