Tiny Kenyan party seeks stoning, life in prison for gay sex
August 11, 2014
Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

The Daily Nation newspaper reported yesterday that the Republican Liberty Party submitted that proposal to the National Assembly, where no members of the Republican Liberty Party are currently serving.
According to the Political Handbook of the World 2014, the Republican Liberty Party is one of dozens of “minor groups that put forward candidates” in recent elections.
The National Assembly does have an anti-gay caucus, formed in February, that consists of several legislators who hope to “rally their colleagues in Parliament to fully enforce current relevant parts of the law that prohibit gay practices,” the Daily Nation reported.
A Kenyan law, rarely enforced, provides for up to 14 years in prison for same-sex intimacy.
Related articles
- Lawmakers in Kenya Propose ‘Kill the Gays’ Law (bilerico.com)
- Kenya: New ‘stone the gays’ law proposed by MPs (pinknews.co.uk)
- Prediction: Kenya too will enact anti-gay laws (76crimes.com)
- Anti-gay Kenyans seek crackdown, new laws (76crimes.com)
- U.S. vs. ‘Dictators’ Club’ of anti-gay African strongmen (76crimes.com)
- 32 anti-gay African leaders, 32 smiling Obama photos (76crimes.com)
- Protest over Kenyan claim that homosexuals = dogs (76crimes.com)
What is the appeal advocating a policy of Hitler?
This is an attempt by an unknown party to hit the headlines. And they chose their words knowing very well how the western press will jump to it, but i have to wonder. As a Kenyan i know this law will never pass, what i find interesting is how western countries come to Africa shouting human rights yet they cannot treat black people in their backyard with dignity???? They are doing nothing (including their Govt) about Hitler followers and other KKK versions in their countries but are so fast to cry about human rights in Africa……..
Hi, Rudde —
Thanks for your comment.
I would only add that it was a successful attempt to hit the headlines, which worked for the Nation in Kenya and in several LGBT-focused Western publications.
— Colin Stewart, editor of this blog