Anti-gay Uganda today (4): Excluding gays from HIV care
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
This blog’s reports about Uganda on June 18:
- Anti-gay Uganda today (1): Activist due in court
- Anti-gay Uganda today (2): Warning about HIV bill
- Anti-gay Uganda today (3): A goof that won’t go away
- Anti-gay Uganda today (4): Excluding gays from HIV care
Denial of medical care to LGBTI people — an under-reported crisis
Uganda has started excluding LGBTI people from health care in direct contradiction to Health Minister Ruhakana Rugunda’s promise that it would not do so.
Except for a widely publicized raid on a health clinic serving LGBTI people, little has been reported on the latest developments.
Immediately after it was raided by police in March, the Walter Reed clinic was closed. That HIV research facility run by the U.S. military and Makerere University had been one of relatively few health-care facilities in Kampala that served LGBTI people. When the clinic reopened in April, it had dropped its services to men who have sex with men (MSM). As this blog reported on May 20:
“The clinic is no longer serving MSM directly, but has made arrangements for those HIV-positive patients to receive necessary medication elsewhere, two Ugandan activists said. The project also has not resumed the research it was conducting on how best to reduce the spread of HIV infection among high-risk groups, including MSM, they said.
“An additional problem is that the MSM patients must pose as heterosexuals in order to receive their anti-retroviral medication at the new location, one activist said.”
So far, that report on that U.S.-backed clinic’s decision to eliminate its medical care for HIV-positive LGBTI people in Kampala attracted little attention. Outside of this blog, apparently only one person has been working to explore the story further.
Now that the Anti-Homosexuality Act is in place, members of the consortium only meet in pairs, rather than as a group, for fear that they could be accused of violating the law’s provisions against aiding homosexuality or sponsoring “homosexuality or other related activities.”
Related articles from the O-blog-dee blog:
- Ugandan Gays in Kenya Desperate, Sick and Fear Death June 16, 2014