May 17 to boost free expression, even in 6 anti-gay nations
May 3, 2014
Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

Courageous activists in these six nations — Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Egypt, Myanmar and Sri Lanka — deserve warm compliments for daring to organize events despite difficult circumstances.
This year will mark the 10th celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia and [since 2009] Transphobia. The theme for May 17, 2014, will be “Free Expression” in a celebration of sexual and gender diversities worldwide. IDAHOT commemorates the day, 24 years ago on May 17, 1990, when the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. For information about many of the hundreds of events planned worldwide, visit the official website for IDAHOT.
Planned celebrations range from flashmobs to concerts by lesbian choirs, from political action to discussion groups. They will take place in countries stretching from Fiji to Botswana, from Cyprus to South Korea.
The following information comes from the official IDAHOT website, with some editing. For security reasons, some details such as locations are omitted. People in those countries should contact local LGBTI groups for details.

Campaign and forum coming in Sri Lanka

LGBT groups will report on homophobia in Burundi

Cameroon activists to meet with political and religious leaders

IDAHOT week’s events in Egypt will include sports, videos

Upcoming in Botwana: a Queer Shorts Showcase

The productions are all between 10 and 15 minutes long. These productions are: Under My Roof (Institutionalised Homophobia), Horses, Rivers, Mountains, Men (Discovery/Coming Out), Butchered (Romantic Drama), A Real Woman (Defining a Trans* reality), and Sakeng (Male Privilege and Responsibility). With a company of 20, comprised of dancers and actors, the inaugural Queer Shorts Showcase promises to be an enlightening and entertaining evening of theater and activism.
Myanmar / Burma activists organise photo competition

The event is a competition that challenges photographers in Myanmar / Burma to increase the visibility of the LGBT community. The organizers aim to highlight positive images of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Myanmar / Burma by showcasing the portraits that can go beyond stereotypes and encouraging pictures which capture the diversity of Burmese LGBT communities. The competition is open to amateur and professional photographers, regardless of their nationality, sexual orientation and gender identity, as long as the submitted photos depict LGBT people originated from Myanmar /Burma, and are taken in Myanmar /Burma. For more information about the event, check the andproud Facebook page or e-mail .
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