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Photos: Global protests of Nigeria’s anti-gay law

Photos: Global protests of Nigeria’s anti-gay law

Scenes from today’s Global Day of Action protests against Nigeria’s new anti-gay law …


Nigeria protest DC 3 7 2014 photo5
Statement from the Washington, D.C. protest: “Homophobia is a Western import, homosexuality is not” (Photo courtesy of the Center for Global Health Policy)

“We should also not forget our LGBT friends who are also suffering in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, and The Congo.” Jane Wothaya, Kenya, Human Rights Campaign, in front of Nigeria Embassy today.

On Jan 14, 2014, Nigeria enacted a bill that imposes a 14-year prison sentence for same-sex marriage and 10 years for supporting LGBT organizations. Dozens have been arrested since the bill was passed in December. Mob violence against LGBT people in Nigeria has increased. Today, the Nigerian LGBT community and their friends, families and allies live in an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.

Nearly 95,000 people have signed an online petition against the law.

The protesters seek an end to violent and legalized homophobia, social injustice and systematic violations of fundamental human rights.


Nigeria protest NY 2 03 07 2014 Nigeria protest NY 3 7 14Report via Facebook from the New York event, which numbered about 400 protesters:

Packed event in NYC today. Lots of people were arrested for civil disobedience. But in the end, our voices are heard.

Nine activists from the local HIV-advocacy organization Housing Works were arrested for blocking traffic, the group said. 


Nigeria protest from Nigeria 3 7 2014

The message from besieged LGBT Nigerians: We are Nigerians and we are here to stay!


Nigeria supporters from Zimbabwe 3 7 2014

The message to Nigerian protesters from the group Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe: “Zimbabweans stand in solidarity with you.”


Nigeria protest Stockholm 3 7 2014

See Also
Peter Marocco in 2019.. (Gabriel Aponte/Getty)

Protesters at the Nigerian Embassy in Stockholm included Miles Rutendo Tanhira, who is a frequent contributor to the Erasing 76 Crimes blog.


Nigeria London protest 3 7 2014

The event in London was a huge turnout and success, said Nigerian activist Bisi Alimi.


p style=”text-align:center;”>Nigeria London Tatchell protest 3 7 2014Veteran LGBT rights activist Peter Tatchell (left) joined the protest.


Nigeria Belgium protest 3 7 2014

The message from Brussels: From Belgium with Love.

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