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Two more arrests of allegedly gay Ugandans

Two more arrests of allegedly gay Ugandans

Luzira Prison (Photo courtesy of
Luzira Prison (Photo courtesy of

Two men accused of homosexual activity pleaded not guilty Feb. 6 in a court in Kampala, after which they were sent to Luzira Prison to await further court appearances, the Monitor of Uganda reported.

Kim Mukisa, 24, a businessman, and Jackson Mukasa, age not given, were accused of ‘living as husband and wife .”

They were sent to prison because they did not have the sureties needed to apply for release on bail.

The prosecution said it is still investigating the case.

Mukisa and Mukasa are scheduled to return to court briefly on Feb. 21.

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Under Ugandan law, homosexual activity as well as any sexual activity by men or women deemed “against the order of nature” is punishable by up to a life sentence under the amended Penal Code Act of 1950. Arrests have increased since the passage in December of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which is awaiting action by President Yoweri Museveni.

If that bill is enacted, Ugandan law would incorporate new provisions against LGBT associations and same-sex marriage, providing:

  • A fine and/or imprisonment for five to seven years for “promoting homosexuality” and for anyone who “in any way abets homosexuality and related practices.”
  • Imprisonment for seven years for the “director or proprietor or promoter” of a  company or association that is convicted of “promoting homosexuality.” In addition, the organization’s certificate of registration would be canceled.
  • Life imprisonment for same-sex marriage. (The Ugandan constitution already prohibits same-sex marriage.)
  • Up to seven years in prison for conducting a same-sex wedding ceremony.
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