Gay, born-again, and praying for anti-gay sinners
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
One reader’s heart-felt words among 100s of comments on this blog’s “83 countries where homosexuality is illegal”:

I am a born-again Christian who is gay and I love the USA where I live. In my 55+ years of life I have NEVER tried to “convert” anyone, much less a youth, that they give up heterosexuality and pursue a gay lifestyle. For years as an adult I went to counselors and prayed for 30 years to become heterosexual. After praying until I almost had a nervous breakdown, I realized that God’s will for my life revolves around being gay and helping anyone who comes to me to accept his or her gayness. I can swear I never chose to be gay–I was born gay. …
It hurts me to see so many well-intended people be clouded by Satan and his minions into believing that gayness is a sin. I ask you to pray Satan out of your lives and accept your gay brothers and sisters in Christ’s love. Remember you might be included with the other people you believe are committing sins listed by Paul, e.g., gluttony (that includes many past and present portly televangelists), liars (even those white lies remember!), adulterers (hmmmm, remember, this includes thoughts, guys!), drunks (remember those high school/college days??), slanderers (I’m sure you’ve never said bad things about someone) or robbers (this includes robbing the government of taxes around April 15th!).
I wish everyone the best and hope I don’t have my head chopped off for my comments. Thanks for this site and the openness of expression on here. My prayers are with everyone tonight.