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Uganda photography project in pursuit of LGBT rights

Uganda photography project in pursuit of LGBT rights

Lee Price
Lee Price

Documentary photographer Lee Price has launched an Indiegogo fund-raising campaign to help pay for a trip to Uganda, where he is working with LGBT rights activists.

In his Indiegogo appeal, he writes, “I will spend six weeks documenting, through both still and moving imagery, the prejudices affecting gay people out there, as well as the apparent reasons for the growing hostility towards the LGBT community. I want to highlight [the Anti-Homosexuality Bill as a] complete violation of the International Human Rights Law, hopefully raising debate and inspiring change.”

The resulting imagery will be exhibited at a London gallery in May 2014, and then made into a book.

Lee Price photo
Lee Price photo

His former photographic project was “Sex with Strangers,” about the United Kingdom’s “underground world of gay cruising areas and bathhouses, viewed as a product of society’s largely negative perception of homosexuality.”

See Also
Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette (Photo courtesy of Causeur)

In exchange for financial support, contributors will receive photographic prints by Price and copies of the finished book.

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