U.N. campaigns against 76 countries' anti-gay laws
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
“You won’t believe what’s illegal in 76 places,” says the U.N. Human Rights Office as part of its Free & Equal campaign seeking recognition of human rights for LGBT people.
The campaign notes, “Relationships that are consensual and loving are still a crime all around the globe. Share if you believe in a world that is free and equal.”
Click on the image below in order to visit the U.N. Free & Equal page, where you can extend the campaign via social media.

Free & Equal is described as “an unprecedented United Nations global public education campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality.”
“A project of the United Nations Human Rights Office being implemented in partnership with the Purpose Foundation, Free & Equal will raise awareness of homophobic and transphobic violence and discrimination, and promote greater respect for the rights of LGBT people everywhere. The campaign will engage millions people around the world in conversations that will help promote the fair treatment of LGBT people and generate support for measures to protect their rights.”
See also:
- Video highlights of the first-ever United Nations ministerial meeting on LGBT rights on Sept. 27, 2013. The video includes short statements from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, the U.S. Secretary of State, the Argentine, Brazilian, Croatian, Dutch and Norwegian foreign ministers, the French Minister of Development Cooperation, senior officials from the European Union, Japan and New Zealand, and the directors of Human Rights Watch and the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.
- This blog’s list of the 76-plus countries with anti-homosexuality laws, with links to news coverage.