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Jamaica, why rejoice over eviction of homeless gay men?

Jamaica, why rejoice over eviction of homeless gay men?

Police evicted gay men from abandoned house  in an upscale neighborhood of Jamaica. (Photo courtesy of Jamaica Gleaner)
Police evict gay men from abandoned house in an upscale neighborhood of Jamaica. (Photo courtesy of Jamaica Gleaner)

There are times I am disgusted to be a middle-class Jamaican Christian and this is one such occasion. The majority of my class and country rejoice at the continued homelessness of 16 desperate gay citizens who are once again hounded from their latest refuge, this time by police officers wearing masks and gloves. A day after their very public eviction the abandoned house that these human beings had inhabited was demolished, no doubt to prevent further “infestation.”

As usual, the Jamaica Observer (owned by Gordon Butch Stewart of Sandals Resorts) takes despicable delight in pandering to this homophobic class warfare. It is as if we REALLY think the growing challenge of homeless gay men will be met by chasing them from place to place, perhaps until we succeed in pushing them into the Caribbean sea.

Demolition of abandoned house where homeless homosexual men were living. (Photo courtesy of Jamaica Observer)
Demolition of abandoned house where homeless homosexual men were living. (Photo courtesy of Jamaica Observer)

And instead of seeking to extend a hand of compassion to these displaced souls, the fundamentalist Jamaican churches expend resources on mounting massive anti-gay marches, all in the name of a “healthy society.”

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District Judge Amir H. Ali

There are simply not enough negative epithets to describe the callous uncaring behaviour of the Jamaican faith community with regard to its treatment of these and other homosexuals. However, Barbara Gloudon, a popular radio talk-show host and committed Anglican parishoner does a fair job of summarizing it. On her widely heard programme on Thursday, July 4, she asked: “Are we saying that these young men are so noxious that no one, not even the church, can help them?”

Recent coverage of homeless gays in Jamaica:
View Comments (3)
  • I am often amazed that these persons who profess loyalty to a belief system supposedly based on the teachings of an itinerant carpenter can ignore the basic tenets (faith, hope and charity) that he espoused. Isn’t this the work of their feared antichrist? Their blatant hypocrisy demonstrates their rejection of their beliefs.

  • Jamaica’s Anti-gay lobbyists have revved up their campaign against expanding right in the island, even as a gay activist,

  • The men were nuisances is the community. As the residents said, it matters not whether they were gay but it’s a matter of decency. There were several criminals among them who made the lives of the residents hell. When they were to be booted, all of a sudden they were willing to point out who among them were causing trouble. They paraded in half-naked and even naked around the yard at times, etc. Furthermore, this Gleaner story ( explains that the property owner has plans for the property, which meant the house had to be torn down. Plus the guys were given notice two months prior. I am gay myself and I am disgusted by their behaviour. This isnt a gay issue. Not every issue involving gays mean gays are being attacked.

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