Jamaican TV stations due in court for nixing LGBT ad
May 16, 2013
Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

This just in from human rights lawyer Maurice Tomlinson:
On May 27-31, 2013, AIDS-Free World will take on Jamaican TV stations in court over their refusal to air a public service announcement advocating dignity and respect for LGBT people.
When it was filed last year, the suit was described as “an unprecedented constitutional legal challenge.”
AIDS Free World is suing Television Jamaica (TVJ), Public Broadcasting Corporation (PBCJ) and CVM for their refusal to air the advertisement “Love and Respect,” which promotes recognition of the humanity of LGBT people.
Related articles
- Video campaign pushes respect for LGBTs in Jamaica (76crimes.com)
- LGBT rights video: U.S. fundamentalist vs. African mom (76crimes.com)
- Our stories: Homophobic laws in Jamaica (hinckleyidahoproject.wordpress.com)