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Singapore: More straight allies every day

Singapore: More straight allies every day

Observation about the audience response to “out and proud US pop star” Adam Lambert’s concert last week in Singapore:

Adam Lambert. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
Adam Lambert. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Every day, we have Singaporeans coming out as straight allies and accepting of their LGBTQ Singaporeans. Every day, we are reminded that the small vocal anti-gay minority is losing ground.

Consider these quotes from the Strait Times article “Parents at Lambert gig: So what if he’s gay” on March 13:

30-year-old housewife Shereen Goh, who was there with her six-year-old son, said: “I took my son here because Adam makes such good music and he’s a class performer. I want my son to learn that above all, he has to accept people just the way they are.”

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A hijra household in Bangladesh. (Jack Taylor photo courtesy of the Telegraph)

Businessman Eric Cheo, 41, who was there with his wife and nine-year-old daughter: “I felt so embarrassed when I read about the complaint about Adam’s show. What would he think of Singaporeans? To be thought of as close-minded, conservative and judgemental is so shameful when we regard ourselves as one of the most advanced cities in the world.

“My daughter loves Adam, and so do my wife and I. We explained to our daughter that Adam is gay and she understands that that is who he is, just like how a person’s skin colour is a part of them.”

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