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Film to show bravery, risks for LGBTs in Jamaica

Film to show bravery, risks for LGBTs in Jamaica

Simone Edwards, who was shot by anti-gay gunmen in Jamaica because she is a lesbian.
In scene from the film, Simone Edwards spends time with her daughter Kayla.  Simone was shot by anti-gay gunmen in Jamaica because she is a lesbian.

Makers of a film about the dangers facing LGBT people in Jamaica — described as “the most homophobic place on Earth” — are seeking financial support to complete the project.

A compelling video containing clips from the film and a pitch for $1 to $35,000 can be found on the Kickstarter fund-raising page for the film, which will be called “An Abominable Crime: Violence & Homophobia in Jamaica.”

The film’s award-winning producer/director/writer is Micah Fink, who specializes in international affairs, public health, and environmental issues. He says:

Scene from the film's promotional video.
Scene from the film’s promotional video.

The film, which we are calling ‘An Abominable Crime’ (after the language in the Jamaican law that criminalizes homosexuality), is a gripping and emotionally powerful story with two incredible characters:

  • Simone Edwards is a brave lesbian mother, who barely survives a murderous attack — and then is forced to choose between a life in hiding in Jamaica with her young daughter — or a life alone as an asylum seeker abroad.
  • Maurice Tomlinson, Jamaica’s leading human rights activist and an active member of the MCC Church, is also forced to flee his homeland when he is publicly outed by a Jamaican newspaper — shortly after filing a legal challenge to Jamaica’s destructive anti-gay laws. We are with Maurice when he decides to risk his life by returning home to continue his work …

We are now on the verge of completing the film and have just launched a Kickstarter campaign to get us across the homestretch!

Please watch the trailer and visit the film’s Kickstarter page here:

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The Haitian gang leader known as "Barbecue".

For as little as $1, or as much as you can afford, you can make a difference!

You can also support this campaign by sharing this link with any family or friends in your social network who might be interested in helping to get this remarkable story of hope, hatred and homophobia out into the world!

He adds, ” ‘An Abominable Crime’ is not just a film about homophobia and violence, it also demonstrates in a deeply personal and intimate manner how courage and love can transcend violence and fear.”

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