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Timeline lacking as Trinidad pushes for LGBT rights

Timeline lacking as Trinidad pushes for LGBT rights

Kamla Persad-Bissessar, prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago
Kamla Persad-Bissessar, prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago

In response to a letter from the UK-based LGBT advocacy group, Kaleidoscope Trust, Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has stated that the country’s new Gender Policy will include increased recognition of the human rights of LGBT individuals.

As a result, there will likely be a repeal of anachronistic anti-gay legislation such as Section 8 of the country’s Immigration Act, which bans the entry of homosexuals.

I am encouraged by this statement by the Trinidadian Prime Minister and congratulate LGBT groups in the country, such as I Am One and CAISO, along with all the other national, regional and international players that made it possible.

However, I am anxious to see an actual timeline for the implementation of this policy, besides a moving target of “coming months.” We certainly don’t want this to be a repeat of the Jamaican Prime Minister’s promised parliamentary conscience vote on the review of the anti-buggery law. Jamaica’s Minister of Information recently announced that this vote has been placed at the “bottom of the [legislative] pile” (read: not up for serious discussion) by her administration.

See Also
Trans rights protest IN Washington, D.C., in 2023. (Photo courtesy of the ACLU)

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