$10.7m anti-gay lawsuit vs. Madonna in Russian court
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran. He is the…

A court in St. Petersburg has begun reviewing a $10.7 million lawsuit against pop entertainer Madonna, who plaintiffs claim broke the Russian city’s new law against “gay propaganda” in the presence of minors.
On Oct. 11, the court began reviewing the case to determine whether a trial should be held, according to various news reports.
During her concert in early August, Madonna criticized the “gay propaganda” law and told fans that homosexuals should be treated with dignity and have the same rights as heterosexuals.
The complaint reportedly includes a video taken at the concert showing Madonna asking fans to raise their hands to show 25,00 pink bracelets/armbands that were distributed at the concert in support of gays and lesbians. Children as young as age 12 were at the concert, plaintiffs said.
The next hearing in the case is scheduled for Oct. 25.
Related articles
- Russian court hears lawsuit against Madonna for ‘gay propaganda’ (sacbee.com)
- Russian court hears case against Madonna (StarTribune.com)
- Even Madonna Can’t Melt A Russian Heart: Court Bans Gay Pride Marches In Moscow For Next Century (ibtimes.com)
- Madonna vs. ‘gay propaganda’ law (Links to news coverage on 76crimes.com)