Standing ovation for ‘Call Me Kuchu’
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran. He is the…

On her “O-blog-dee-o-blog-da” blog, Melanie Nathan describes the June 19 San Francisco premiere of the film “Call Me Kuchu” about the perils of LGBTI life in Uganda — and urges her readers to take action:
Never in the history of a Frameline Film Festival has there been a solid five-minute standing ovation following the screening of a film.
Such was the resounding applause from the Castro community for the brilliant “Call Me Kuchu,” as its filmmakers Malika Zouhali-Worral and Katherine Fairfax Wright, together with an attending activist who participated in the film, took to the stage.
“Call Me Kuchu” is a remarkable feat, as it not only tells the story but also bears witness to what could be a quest for the obliteration of all LGBTI people in Uganda.
She adds:
Through it all our privileged gay Castro audience is slammed against the wall of hate, to face the one truth and that is “this is all of us” and no longer “them.”
“We are one,” as participant and LGBT Ugandan supporter Bishop Christopher Senyonjo notes.
… The living history and legacy of those in the turmoil and the enormous courage depicted by the activists, took the Castro by storm as the LGBTI community of San Francisco realized the importance of this work, bringing us all face to face with the reality in Uganda and with the added component of the export of American hate. Surely we have an obligation of much more than applause?
Do not miss this film.
Nathan’s full account of the “Call Me Kuchu” showing is here. More praise for the film came pouring into the film’s Twitter account.
Check the “Call Me Kuchu” website for a schedule of future showings.
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