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Ugandan clergy keep pushing anti-homosexuality bill, but …

Ugandan clergy keep pushing anti-homosexuality bill, but …

Archbishop Henry Orombi and member of parliament David Bahati (Photo courtesy of NewVision)
Archbishop Henry Orombi and member of parliament David Bahati (Photo courtesy of NewVision)

Ugandan religious leaders have renewed their appeal to parliament to pass the so-called “Kill the Gays” bill that has been under consideration for years.

In the recent Uganda Joint Christian Council meeting, clergy said toughening Uganda’s laws against homosexual behavior would combat same-sex marriages, which they see as  threatening the moral fabric of Ugandan society.

But according to various news articles, such as that of the Ugandan news website New Vision, the meeting did not focus primarily on the anti-homosexuality bill, which reportedly is opposed by President Yoweri Museveni.

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Instead, the clergy focused on proposals to limit the power of the president and to grant state funding to faith-based groups for health and education programs.

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