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Anti-gay Zimbabwe politicians blast ‘Satanic’ Obama

Anti-gay Zimbabwe politicians blast ‘Satanic’ Obama

Barack Obama (Photo by Steve Jurvetson via Wiki Commons)
Barack Obama (Photo by Steve Jurvetson via Wiki Commons)

In Zimbabwe, where homosexual activities can land a person in prison for a year, members of the ruling Zanu-PF party reacted to President Obama’s newly announced support for gay marriage with violent criticism.

“Obama should be condemned as not fit to rule,” said Chief Fortune Charumbira, president of the Chiefs Council of Zimbabwe and a supporter of President Robert Mugabe. He said, as reported in the Zimbabwe Mail website, “if Americans will vote for him they would have been turned into animals.’’

“America should never be trusted in its claims of upholding human rights,” Chirumbira said.

Legislator Kudakwashe Basikiti said Obama is a messenger of the devil.

“The sentiments by Obama are the worst form of Satanism. Zimbabweans should be wary of such stances. It’s shocking because even the Bible discourages homosexuality,” he said.

Chief Fortune Charumbira (Photo courtesy of
Chief Fortune Charumbira (Photo courtesy of

Basikiti used the opportunity to criticize the United Kingdom, which has threatened to withhold foreign aid to countries that don’t recognize gay rights, and Mugabe adversary Morgan Tsvangirai.

He said, “Obama’s stance of supporting gay rights speaks volumes of how his British counterpart David Cameron wanted to export gay rights to Zimbabwe through their puppet MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, and their foiled attempt to use their agent, the UNDP, to smuggle homosexuality into the on-going draft constitution.”

The latest draft of a new constitution for Zimbabwe rules out same-sex marriage, but states that “Everyone has the right not to be treated in an unfairly discriminatory manner on such grounds as their nationality, race, colour, tribe, place or circumstances of birth, ethnic or social origin, language, class, religious belief, political or other opinion, custom, culture, sex, gender, marital status, age, disability or economic, social or other status….”

Critics say that language would open the door to recognition of rights for people who are gay because of their “circumstances of birth” or “custom.”

Mugabe last year told British Prime Minister David Cameron “to hell with you” over his calls to respect gay rights, the Zimbabwe Mail reported. It quoted Mugabe saying:

“Nature is nature. It has created male and female,” Mugabe told thousands of supporters at his 88th birthday celebration at a stadium in the eastern border town of Mutare.

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“You David Cameron, are you suggesting that you don’t know that or is it some kind of insanity or part of the culture of Europeans.

“In their newspapers, that’s one of my sins. That I called (gays) worse than pigs and dogs because pigs know there are males and females. It’s even in the Bible that you create through the system of marrying.

“That’s how we were born, so we reject that outright and say to hell with you. I won’t even call him a dog because my own dog will complain and say, but what have I done.”

Mugabe opposes the proposed language for the constitution. He said:

“Please, young men and women, you don’t have the freedom for men to marry men and women to marry women. You have the freedom for men to marry women. That’s God’s freedom. That’s what created you and me.”

View Comments (4)
  • Mugabe he is the son of africa I always love him for the word he has for his country. I hate whites who want to take advantage of us blacks, even our african brother Obama can act in that un acceptable way. How can animal be better than us, how can we show to God love, surely they give u food u eat sandy are u normal. Don’t be stupid if your mothers were to be homosexuals would u have born. Zambia and Zimbabwe only two countries in the world starts with Z last letter of aphalbetical

  • A true Christian would never want to be insensitive to anyone’s feelings. But we believe the Bible is God’s Holy Word and it says men cannot sleep with men or women with women. We didn’t write the Bible but if we’re Christians, God expects us to adhere to it. It’s a tough stance but we must obey God and be persecuted on this issue.

  • Obama was suspected to be anty-christ agent initialy but some argued, but he has proved them wronged by agitating to his satanic agenda. they think they are super-power but the forgot that GOD is the owner of all powers hence they want fight his divine laws. we dont have strainght to fight theit mischievious agenda but GOD is there to protect his Law. But vowed to protect ourselves and our family from their bad thought and we know GOD is backing our movement agaisnt them.

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